E-Book for frequently asked QnA in Clinical Data Management (CDM) interview

Dear All,

We have published an eBOOK for frequently asked Questions and Answers in Clinical Data Management (CDM) interview.

E-Book for CDM Interview preparation
E-Book for Clinical Data Management (CDM) Interview preparation

The purpose of this eBook is to help freshers CDM aspirants and experienced CDM professionals in their interview preparation. This eBook will be helpful to understand basic concepts of Clinical Data Management and for revision purpose during interview time.

Why you should Buy this eBook?
  1. This eBook is created with our rich industry experience of 10 years.
  2. We have covered QnA from almost all important aspects of CDM.
  3. If you do any certification course or any post-graduate diploma in CDM, you have to pay in the range of 10k to 50k minimum. 
  4. In comparison to that, we are offering this eBook on discounted price of ₹ 149/-only (₹ 249).

You can buy this eBook from following link.

If you have any questions, please write to us at pvdrugsafetyinfo@gmail.com.

PV Drug Safety Academy

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