Which Pharmacovigilance Job Role is High demanding and gives High Salary packages?

Hello Pharmacovigilance Professionals and Pharmacovigilance Aspirants, If you are a fresher or just started your career in Pharmacovigilance (PV) then you must have a lot of queries regarding what are different roles in PV jobs? Which Pharmacovigilance Job Role is High demanding? Which Pharmacovigilance Job Role provides High Salary packages? Pharmacovigilance Job  First of all, lets see what are the overall …

Which Pharmacovigilance Job Role is High demanding and gives High Salary packages? Read More »

What are Special Situation Scenarios in Pharmacovigilance?

Hi All, You must have come across the term “Special Situation Scenarios in Pharmacovigilance“. Let’s see what is special situation reporting and their types in brief. Definition The special situations are non-standard medical conditions that provide valuable information about medicinal product, even when they don’t occur in association with an adverse event or medical condition. …

What are Special Situation Scenarios in Pharmacovigilance? Read More »